Make Time Entry

See Also

BillQuick Online allows you to create time entries from your to-do items or tasks. This is an extremely convenient and time saving feature for timekeepers. In case of to-do items related to projects, employees and vendors, you can create time entries quickly from your tasks upon updating the % Complete field in the To Do List screen. You are prompted to create a time entry using the Make Time Entry screen. Else, you can directly click on Make Time Entry button in the To Do List screen to make the time entries.


The following fields display on the screen:


Date: (required)

This field displays the date of each time entry. It is automatically filled with today's date by default, but you can change it using the drop-down calendar.


Project: (required)

You must select the project for which the time entry is recorded. The Project drop-down list displays the Project ID, Name and Client ID.


Activity: (required)

You can select the activity or task performed on the project from the drop-down list.


Employee: (required)

Displays the employee for whom the time entry is recorded. This field is pre-selected based on the Assigned To field on the To-Do List screen but you can change it. The Employee drop-down list includes vendors with the Sub box checked.


Hours: (required)

Enter the actual hours worked on a project. It represent the true amount of time spent on a task. You can enter the number of hours in decimals, for example, 2.5 means two and a half hours. By default, the same number of hours are automatically carried to the B-Hours (billable) field.


Description: (required)

This describes the task done and is pre-filled based on the Description of the to-do item. However, you can change it to the activity or any other description.



Allows you to add a memo to the time entry. You can later edit this memo in the time entry screen. You can type as much text as desired into the memo box.


Make Time Entry Button Panel



Opens the BillQuick Online Help in the Make Time Entry section.



Saves the task as a time entry and then closes the screen.



Closes the screen without saving any data.

See Also