Report Viewer

See Also


Whenever you preview a report in BillQuick Online, by default it opens in the PDF viewer. You are provided with the following options:



Fit to Page:

Click to display the report in a full, single-page view. It increases or decreases the zoom level of the report page, depending on your window size.


Fit to Width:

Click to display the report in a view where the page is zoomed-in or out to fit the width of your report window. It increases or decreases the zoom level of the report page, depending on your window size.


Zoom In/Out:

Enables you to choose how you want to view the report. You can zoom the report to a larger size to read the text clearly or to a smaller size to see the whole report as it would appear on the page.


Save As:

Saves a copy of the current report in the PDF format at the desired location. You are prompted with Save As dialog, where you can enter the file name and choose the location.



Opens the Print dialog, enabling you to select the printer, destination, pages, copies and other options for printing a hard copy of your report.