Write Checks

See Also



The following are descriptions of the fields on the Write Checks screen:


Bank Account:

The bank account that is used for writing checks. It can be a checking or savings account.



Displays the ending balance of the bank account selected above. Depending upon the check amount, this balance gets reduced accordingly.


Previous Checks:

This drop-down allows you to view previous checks written from this screen. It is unavailable in the new-entry mode.


To be printed:

This check box allows you to tag the current check being written with 'To Print' instead of a regular check number.


Memorize on Save:

You can check this option to memorize the check you are writing for future. It is memorized when you save the check transaction.



This displays the check number. BillQuick Online pre-fills this based on the next available check number. However, you can enter a different number manually or check the 'To be printed' option which inserts a 'To Print' tag here. BillQuick Online also allows duplicate check numbers but warns you about it nevertheless.


You are able to edit the check number even after saving the check. BillQuick Online allows you to go back and change the check number without affecting any of your financial data. If the check is associated with a vendor bill, BillQuick Online automatically updates the related bill for you.



The date when the check is written. You are able to edit the date even after saving the check. BillQuick Online allows you to go back and change the check date without affecting any of your financial data. If the check is associated with a vendor bill, BillQuick Online automatically updates the related bill for you.


Pay to the order of:

Allows you to write the name of the person for whom the check is written or payment made. The payee could be an employee, a vendor or a client. You can quickly add a new payee on the fly using  . Typically, you would cut a check for a vendor.



The check amount. This is the amount you want to pay via the check being written.



The address of the company or person to whom the check is paid based on the payee selected above. This information is already available in BillQuick Online; however, you can change it by clicking Address. If you have added a new payee on the fly, you have to enter the address details here.



Memo associated with the check. It can be a short note or any reference number.


The Write Checks screen has two tabs: Accounts and Items. Each tab displays a grid.


Accounts Tab


The Accounts tab allows you to specify the accounts to which the check is posted. It is used when you want to directly post the check to your accounts, say Miscellaneous account for reimbursable expenses, or when you want to write a check for an advance payment to a vendor. The following are descriptions of the fields on the Write Checks-Accounts screen:



This is the account to which a check is posted. It can be a bank, income, expense, accounts payable or any other account. In case you want to write a check to a vendor for an advance payment, select Accounts Payable from the Account drop-down menu. This payment can be used as a vendor credit while paying the vendor bills.


image\Info.jpg Only those vendor bills in the Pay Vendor Bills screen can use this vendor credit that have the same vendor and Accounts Payable account against which an advance payment check is written.



You can enter any additional information or note about a check payment.



This is the check amount to be posted against the selected account.



You can select a class for the check from the drop-down list. It displays classes in the drop-downs only if they are available in the Class List screen in BillQuick Online or transferred from your accounting software. Classes are assigned at the item level (activity and expense) or project level but can be overwritten here.


Items Tab


You can use the Items tab if you have bought service and expense items from a vendor or any other person. The Items tab allows you to define the items for which you are writing a check. The following are descriptions of fields on the Write Checks-Items screen:



This is the service/activity or expense item purchased from a vendor (or any other person) for whom a check payment is made. When you specify service and expense items here, BillQuick Online automatically creates corresponding time and expense entries. BillQuick Online restricts you from editing fields like Cost Rate, A-Hours, Units, etc. in the time and expense entry screens for entries that are linked to a check.


image\Info.jpg When you are writing a check to a vendor with unpaid reimbursable expenses that are not linked to any vendor bills, BillQuick Online prompts you to review these vendor expenses. If you click Yes, a screen opens listing those vendors and you can select the ones you want to pay.



This is the description of the selected service or expense item. However, you can edit it here.



ID of the project against which the items are being charged.



This represents the number of service hours or expense units purchased from a vendor (or any other person) for whom a check payment is made.



Cost rate of the service or expense item purchased from a vendor (or any other person) for whom a check payment is made.



The total cost amount of the service or expense item purchased from a vendor (or any other person) for whom a check payment is made. It is calculated as a product of cost and quantity of the items.


Amount = Quantity x Cost


Expense Account:

The account to which the transaction related to the service or expense item is posted. When writing a check, you can specify an expense account here.



The billable status of the item. When checked, it means the item can be billed to the client associated with the project against which it is being charged.



You can select a class for the check from the drop-down list. It displays classes in the drop-downs only if they are available in the Class List screen in BillQuick Online or transferred from your accounting software. Classes are assigned at the item level (activity and expense) or project level but can be overwritten here.


image\Info.jpg You should balance the transaction by making sure that the sum of the Amount on the Accounts tab and Items tab is equal to the total check amount.


Write Checks Button Panel



Opens the BillQuick Online Help in the Write Checks section.



Saves the data or changes made to the checks.



Clears the screen and cancels any changes.



Opens the journal report displaying details of the transaction.



Allows you to void the selected check. When voiding a check, any time or expense entries created with it are deleted (billed entries are never deleted). Voiding is a better option to use if you do not want to delete the check so as to keep a record of it. To maintain the accuracy of your financial reports and balance the accounts affected by the check, BillQuick Online prompts you to create a journal entry in the earlier period and a reverse entry in the current period.


Being a toggle button, it also allows you to un-void a check after you have voided it. BillQuick Online does not allow you to un-void a check if time and expense items attached to it are already paid via the Pay Bills screen.


BillQuick Online allows you to void a check that is tied to a vendor bill or reimbursable expenses.



Allows you to write a new check.